Improve your recruitment productivity

Beetween’s ATS will make your recruitment more productive.

An overview of recruitment management


Boost productivity


Talent search

  • Multiposting
  • Sourcing
  • Smart campaigns
  • Matching


Application management

  • Task automation
  • Pre-qualification and assessment
  • Centralization of information


Interconnection and management

  • Interconnection of your HR tools
  • In-app statistics
  • Custom reporting

Don’t waste time anymore

Optimize your processes at every step

Find top talents in record time

Capturing qualified profiles is a time-consuming task. With Beetween, you make your job offers available on more than 180 job boards in a single operation. Moreover, all offers published with Beetween are also available on Google For Jobs for even greater visibility. Finally, with our dedicated features, you accelerate your sourcing operations, both on LinkedIn and on our partner CV databases.

Automate low-value tasks

Some recruitment tasks are more administrative than others and can be particularly time-consuming. Acknowledging applications, requesting additional information, informing the candidate of their progress in the recruitment process, notifying candidates that they have not been selected and the reason for their rejection… all of this, and much more, can be automated in Beetween!

Recruit in collaboration without delaying the hiring process

In team-based recruitment, the hiring process tends to lengthen:

  • Prior to recruitment, to define and validate the need.
  • During recruitment, to select profiles.

With Beetween, collaborative recruitment takes the spotlight without elongating your processes. The validation process allows managers to clearly define their personnel needs, and the management team to approve or reject the recruitment. Centralizing candidate information, along with sharing and notification features, enables recruiters to interact with all stakeholders instantly. Thus, everyone can provide constructive feedback on the recruitment and/or candidates without multiplying interviews with them.

Sync your HR tools for better productivity

Tool synergy is essential when it comes to productivity. By synchronizing all your HR tools with Beetween, you ensure effective and efficient 360° management of all your Human Resource actions.

Are you a recruitment agency, an IT service company, or a temporary staffing agency? Then our CRM functionality will be of great use to you.

Evaluate your processes and embrace continuous improvement

Improving productivity requires studying the existing processes to identify areas for enhancement. For this purpose, we provide comprehensive statistical tools: recruitment timelines, CV source relevance, candidate rejection volume, and more. Analyze your recruitment processes in detail and easily assess areas for improvement with our customizable statistics!

Configure your recruitment processes to improve candidate conversion: recruitment stages, internal processes, manager collaboration, etc.
Team recruitment and collaborative recruitment
Interconnection of HR tools
Manage your recruitment with our recruitment statistics tools

Who are we?

A software designed by recruiters for recruiters

We publish our own software since 2017. Today, Beetween is:

  • More than 800 customers
  • 15,000 annual hires
  • 110,000 ads published annually
Training, follow-up, expert advice... we're with you every step of the way

Accelerate your recruitment with Beetween

Get in touch with one of our experts!

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