
The world’s most popular job search site

1st job site in the world

300 million unique visitors per month

Present in 60 countries

An overview of your recruitment

What do they do?

Indeed is the world’s #1 job site1, with 300 million global unique visitors2 every month2 and sites in over 60 countries. By providing access to great talent from all different fields, Indeed helps employers of all sizes find and hire the right talent for them. To learn more about how Indeed helps millions of job seekers and employers find the right fit every day, visit

1 Comscore, Total Visits, September 2021
2 Indeed Internal Data, average monthly unique visitors April–September 2022

Terms, conditions, quality standards, and usage limits apply

Présentation Indeed

Why choose them?

Indeed integrations help you hire faster by enabling you to get more applies from relevant job seekers with lower costs using our innovative technology solutions.

As your strategic hiring partner, our integrations work to automate hiring workflow by creating a conduit to seamlessly use Indeed’s suite of products with a recruiters HR tech stack.

Présentation Indeed


Different ways of interconnecting

There are 3 ways to integrate.

Icone numéro 2

Indeed Apply Sync

Indeed Apply integration provides a candidate-friendly application experience on Indeed and helps recruiters by standing out in search results and incremental impact, increasing likelihood of being clicked on by 30% compared to non-Indeed Apply jobs.

Learn more

Icone numéro 1

ATS Sync

ATS Sync seamlessly transfers job and candidate data from Indeed to Beetween, reducing the need for manual data entry and ensuring compliance.

Icone numéro 3

Sponsored Jobs Integration

Sponsored Jobs are 4.5x more likely to result in a hire1. Adding the integration makes it easy to sponsor a job right from Beetween.

1 Indeed data (worldwide)

Accelerate your recruitment with Beetween

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