Our partner job boards

Top talent just a click away

Post your job offers on more than 180 specialized or general job boards and boost your appeal to candidates.

More than 180 job boards

Carefully selected partners

attract talent

Key job boards

We have established direct connections with the most influential job boards on the market, to guarantee our customers optimum visibility on the most popular platforms.


Indeed strives to make candidates a priority by allowing them to search for jobs, post their CVs and find out about companies, all free of charge.

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1st job site in the world

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300 million unique visitors per month

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Present in 60 countries

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LinkedIn offers wide visibility thanks to its vast network of active professionals.

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Over 950 million members worldwide

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6 people hired every minute thanks to LinkedIn


HelloWork est une plateforme de recrutement majeure en France, connectant des millions de candidats aux entreprises à la recherche de talents.

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4,5 millions de visites mensuelles

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+1,4 million d’offres d’emploi publiées chaque année

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70 000 entreprises utilisent HelloWork pour recruter,

All Jobboards


Job offers for construction sector.

Journal des Palaces

Jobs and internships in the luxury hotel industry.


Jobboard specialising in banking, finance and technology.

Hôtesse Job

Specialist in the employment of hosts and hostesses.

Espaces Tourisme

Emploi Espaces is the first private website dedicated to all the tourism professions in France.


Job board for finance professionals.


Moovijob offers jobs, work placements and sandwich courses in Luxembourg.


Recruitment portal for companies looking for employees and freelancers specialising in IT and IS.

Ecclesia RH

Catholic and Protestant Christian job offers.


Platform dedicated to job offers in the international aeronautics, aerospace and aviation industry.


A new-generation job board whose role is to put managers and companies in Morocco in touch with each other.


Capijob is a website showing job and training offers.

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