Switch to collaborative recruitment with an ATS software

Discover all the features of collaborative recruitment with Beetween, your turnkey recruitment management solution.

An overview of recruitment management


Start recruiting as a team


Better qualify needs and profiles

  • Recruitment request
  • Manager’s opinion
  • Candidate questionnaire


Communicate internally and externally

  • Recruitment sharing
  • Int-app CRM
  • Exchange history
  • Email, SMS, Video


Improve candidate experience

  • Management by agency / site / brand
  • Customization of recruitment steps
  • Pre-recorded video interviews


Involve all stakeholders in the recruitment process

Accelerate recruitment with team hiring

Recruiting as a team divides the workload and taps into multiple professional networks, making cooptation and sourcing more effective. With shared information, stakeholders can provide their feedback on candidates without the need for numerous interviews. Beetween offers various features to optimize your collaborative recruitments, such as manager/client questionnaires, document and motivation video sharing, and shared notes.

Improve tracking for shared recruitments

Our task and notification management system, along with manager and client questionnaires, enables you to alert different stakeholders manually or automatically when they need to take action in the recruitment process. All actions are recorded in a shared history for easy tracking and collaboration.

For Recruitment Agencies: Share recruitments and candidate profiles with your clients while anonymizing sensitive documents.

Manage Multi-Brand and Multi-Site Recruitments

With Beetween, managing multi-brand and multi-site recruitments has never been easier. Post job offers with different brands and SIRET numbers, organize users into groups and departments, benefit from an organized image library for each brand/department, and boost your employer brand with custom career sites showcasing various brands or sites. Share your CV database across different brands and departments for streamlined talent acquisition.

Improve candidate experience and employer Brand

Improving the candidate experience is at the core of any recruitment strategy. By tailoring recruitment stages for each position, you create an optimal and transparent candidate journey. This enables stakeholders to take action at the right time, giving you more time and resources to evaluate candidates’ soft skills and cultural fit while boosting employee engagement!

Application for recruitment authorization (recruitment validation circuit) and Managers' opinions
Set up personalised validation circuits to authorise the opening of a recruitment process
Build your bespoke careers site with Beetween, improve the candidate experience and career path and boost your employer brand
Configure your recruitment processes to improve candidate conversion: recruitment stages, internal processes, manager collaboration, etc.

Who are we?

A software designed by recruiters for recruiters

We publish our own software since 2017. Today, Beetween is:

  • More than 800 customers
  • 15,000 annual hires
  • 110,000 ads published annually
Training, follow-up, expert advice... we're with you every step of the way

Accelerate your recruitment with Beetween

Get in touch with one of our experts!

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Femme souriante

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